Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: How to Find Relief

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: How to Find Relief

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) affects millions of people worldwide and is a condition that affects the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement, leading to discomfort and pain in the jaw, neck, and head.

Luckily, massage therapy can be an effective treatment option for TMJ, and in this article, we will explore how it can help alleviate its symptoms.

Common Symptoms of TMJ

To start, TMJ is caused by stress, arthritis, dental procedures, jaw injury, or bruxism (teeth grinding) and manifests in symptoms such as pain, difficulty moving the jaw, popping or clicking sounds, tension headaches, and earache or ringing in the ears.

How Massage Therapy can Help with TMJ

Massage therapy is an excellent way to relieve TMJ symptoms by reducing pain and discomfort, increasing jaw mobility, and easing muscle tension. Massage therapy can also address the stress factor that contributes to TMJ.

When receiving a massage for TMJ, the therapist typically focuses on neck, jaw, and face muscles, releasing tension and improving blood flow in the area. Techniques such as trigger point therapy and deep tissue massage can also be used to help alleviate TMJ pain and discomfort.

What else can I do to Help with TMJ?

In addition to massage therapy, it is also essential to address any underlying causes of TMJ, such as stress or bruxism. This may involve lifestyle changes such as practicing relaxation techniques, reducing stress, and avoiding hard-to-chew foods.


TMJ is a common and often painful condition that can be treated effectively with massage therapy. If you are experiencing TMJ, we have a qualified massage therapist who can develop a personalized treatment plan that is right for you. Contact us at (636) 244-5004, or schedule a massage appointment today!

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